About the project

Being good is the first principle of being human and it’s an inevitable part of education. There is a drastic rise in crime in the

society, though. Everyday we witness the reports of violence world-over. While being violent to humans, animals, the nature

and even to oneself is one of the biggest problems, we still have the choice of being good. We would like to make our students

aware of the value of goodness and choose to be good consciously. We’d like to encourage our students to take the

responsibility for a better world. Especially in these hard times of pandemic, why not spreading a good act epidemic altogether?

In this project, being good to people, animals, environment and being good to oneself will be handled. These values will be

integrated with English language lessons with a number of activities. In addition to language skills, students will also develop

21st century technological skills as we will be using lots of web 2.0 tool in the process.


We aim to:

- Raise students’ awareness about the importance of being good to humans, animals, envireonment and oneself

- Minimize the misbehaviors in our daily lives

- Spread goodness as much as we can

- Develop individual skills of our students (imagination, self-confidence, decision-making, problem-solving etc.)

- Develop team skills of our students (cooperating, socializing, pair-work, teamwork etc.)

- Provide digital literacy and increase the usage of technology in a safe way

Working Process

October: Introduction (Teachers’ meeting, pre-survey, logo contest)

November: Be good to the Earth (Students’ meeting, recycling, planting, slogan contest)

December: Be good to people (Good act examples, Mevlana Week)

January: Be good to animals (Make a model house&feed street animals, acrostic poem for animal rights)

February: Be good to yourself (hobbies, common activities, World Safer Internet Day)

March: Final products (A common song for good act, game, virtual exhibition)

April: Evaluation (post-survey for students, parents, teachers & results, closing webinar)

Expected Results

Students will be aware of the importance of good act.

Students will be able to use many web 2.0 tools and develop ICT skills.

Students will develop individual and team skills.

Students will learn new vocabulary and develop their four basic skills in English.

A song, a game and an online exhibition will be prepared as outcomes of the project.


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